[opencms-dev] VFS target was included earlier

Marcus Popetz marcus at roundpeg.com
Fri Jun 23 14:58:02 CEST 2006

At 08:40 AM 6/23/2006, Christoph P. Kukulies wrote:
>I had this error often at the beginning when I started to understand
>OpenCms respectively how jsp works.
>It can happen when you doubly include the code of the page somehow.
>It is the typical error that you get when you access a jsp page
>by its name

I've had similar things when dealing with using a jsp and including 
elements of a template.

For example if you include the element "leftMenu" and includes an include 
that would normally be filled out by the templatized page (ie: 
subPieceOfLeftMenu) you'll get this.

Not the best description, but make sure that your jsp include of a template 
element isn't also trying to do a cms:include as that caused me grief.


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