[opencms-dev] Making a batch link validator

David Sanchez Hernandez dshernandez at sgi.es
Wed Aug 16 13:59:33 CEST 2006


I want to make a new batch process which validates the internal links an exactly time. In order to do that I’m making a new class which implements the interface I_CmsScheduledJob, this class is called from the “Scheduled Jobs”. And I’m making another class which will be called from the scheduler class and it extends from CmsXmlDocumentLinkValidator, to get the internal link validation.

I don’t know how I can make the driver manager to construct a new CmsXmlDocumentLinkValidator object.

I have just started some days before with opencms and I would like to spare me time in this task. If somebody could help me or could tell me another way to get it, I would be so grateful.

Thanks in advance,
David S.

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