[opencms-dev] Flex Cache Configuration Options

Ramon Gavira Sáenz ramon.gavira at sagasoluciones.com
Mon Dec 5 17:56:53 CET 2022

Thanks Jochen! Much clear now!

De: opencms-dev <opencms-dev-bounces at opencms.org> En nombre de Jochen Graf via opencms-dev
Enviado el: miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2022 15:47
Para: opencms-dev at opencms.org
CC: Jochen Graf <j.graf at alkacon.com>
Asunto: Re: [opencms-dev] Flex Cache Configuration Options

Hi Ramon,

maxcachebytes is the total size of the cache that is never exceeded. This means, if the cache is full already, and another new element is added to the cache, the least recently used elements are deleted from the cache. It is deleted until the cache has a size of avgcachebytes again.

If you at some time increase the maxcachebytes setting, you can decide whether to increase maxentrybytes or maxentrykeys or both. If you know that your JSPs are relatively small in size but appear in many different variations (depending on language, request params, and so on), it makes sense to increase maxkeys and leave maxentrybytes as is. On the other hand, if you know that your JSPs appear in relatively less variations but your JSPs are relatively large, you would increase maxentrybytes and would leave maxkeys as is.

Hope this helps


Am 24.11.22 um 17:37 schrieb Ramon Gavira Sáenz via opencms-dev:
I have check thin documentation page: https://documentation.opencms.org/opencms-documentation/template-development/caching-in-opencms/the-flex-cache/index.html,
But, Can anyone explain a little deeper what are this configs params for?

The maximum amount of server memory used by the Flex cache in bytes. The amount of available server memory is the critical factor here and has to be considered carefully.
The average amount of server memory used by the Flex cache in bytes.
The maximum size of a single cache entry in bytes.
The maximum number of cached page variations in the Flex cache.

The default config is:


And Documentation explain that thats means the following:

The default settings of the Flex cache parameters after installing OpenCms are:

  1.  The Flex cache is enabled
  2.  The cache for offline projects is disabled
  3.  The Flex cache uses 8mb memory for the cached pages or a maximum of 2000 cached page variations in total.
Point 1 and 2 are ok, but what about 3? What is exactly a cached page? What is avgcachebytes means in config? And maxentrybytes?

Thanks in advance!


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