AW: [opencms-dev] JavaDoc

H_Busch at H_Busch at
Mon Sep 10 11:14:32 CEST 2001

Hi Taras!

>Where did you get sourcecode? The are not included in war file for 
>OpenCMS 4.4 and I was lazy to look on the site... 
>Can you give me a tip?

Sure. The easiest way to get the sourcecodes for the actual release is to
log in into the OpenCMS CVS system and do a complete checkout. This gives
you all the source codes, which are, unfortunately, no longer included in
the distribution file.

The link to their CVS login data can be found here:

They also have a web interface for the CVS, but getting thousand java files
using a web-interface is quite annoying.

Hendrik Busch

Push Interactive GmbH | In der VillaMedia
Viehhofstrasse 125 | D 42117 Wuppertal | phone +49 (0)202 2427-300  | fax
Klenzestrasse 38   | D 80469 Munich    | phone +49 (0)89  2602465-0 | fax -2

mailto:h_busch at   |

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