[opencms-dev] Installation Help (Yet another resourcebroker error)

Kelvin Tan kelvin at relevanz.com
Wed Jan 23 12:23:15 CET 2002


Thanks for the suggestion. However, I'm running other apps which are connecting to the very same database server. In any event, unless I'm mistaken, the SetUp program should run even in the absence of a database right? One of the steps is actually configuring database connection parameters...

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Michael Dernen 
  To: 'opencms-dev at www.opencms.com' 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 5:03 PM
  Subject: AW: [opencms-dev] Installation Help (Yet another resourcebroker error)

  Hi Kelvin,

  maybe the problem is that the database connection 
  to your database server can't be established because the user has 
  not the appropriate rights to connect from the 
  system where OpenCms is running to the database server?
  Look at the user table of MySQL if the ocmuser you use
  is allowed to connect from the OpenCms system host.
  You can also see the section 7 (security) in the installation manual
  how to add a user to the user table of MySQL.
  This is certainly just a guess, hope it's helpful.

  Regards, Michael 

  -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
  Von: Kelvin Tan [mailto:kelvin at relevanz.com]
  Gesendet: Dienstag, 22. Januar 2002 13:37
  An: opencms-dev at www.opencms.com
  Betreff: [opencms-dev] Installation Help (Yet another resourcebroker


  Before you sigh and go "Yet ANOTHER one...", I've
  a) RTFM
  b) searched the archives


  Downloaded opencms_4.4.6_major.zip. I've followed the instructions in
  install.html to the letter. The only deviation I have up to Step 4, is that
  after Tomcat (4.0.1) has unpacked opencms.war, I modified
  web-inf/config/opencms.properties, changing the jdbc url from localhost to
  that of my database server. That's ok right?

  Launching my browser to access http://localhost:8080/opencms/ocsetup
  redirects to http://localhost:8080/opencms/ocsetup/index.ocjsp, and Tomcat
  returns HTTP Status 503 - Servlet jsp is currently unavailable.

  log/opencms.log is empty.

  Changing the url to http://localhost:8080/opencms/ocsetup/index.jsp, Tomcat

  javax.servlet.ServletException: Critical error while loading resourcebroker.
   at com.opencms.core.OpenCmsHttpServlet.init(OpenCmsHttpServlet.java:687)
   at com.opencms.boot.OpenCmsServlet.init(OpenCmsServlet.java:89)
   at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.load(StandardWrapper.java:852)

  log/opencms.log now says:
  [22.01.2002 20:30:35] <opencms_init> [OpenCmsServlet] logging started
  [22.01.2002 20:30:35] <opencms_init> [OpenCmsServlet] Server Info: Apache
  [22.01.2002 20:30:35] <opencms_init> [OpenCmsServlet] JDK Info: Java
  HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.3.0-C mixed mode Sun Microsystems Inc.
  [22.01.2002 20:30:35] <opencms_init> [OpenCmsServlet] OS Info: Windows 98
  4.10 x86
  [22.01.2002 20:30:35] <opencms_init> [OpenCmsServlet] redirect-rule:
  /pics/ -> /${WEB_APP_NAME}/pics/
  [22.01.2002 20:30:35] <opencms_init> [OpenCmsServlet] redirect-rule:
  /download/ -> /${WEB_APP_NAME}/download/
  [22.01.2002 20:30:35] <opencms_init> [OpenCmsServlet] Clusterurl:
  [22.01.2002 20:30:35] <opencms_init> [OpenCms] creating first cms-object
  [22.01.2002 20:30:35] <opencms_init> [OpenCms] initializing the main
  [22.01.2002 20:30:35] <opencms_init> [CmsRbManager] ressourcebroker-name:
  [22.01.2002 20:30:35] <opencms_init> [CmsRbManager]
  ressourcebroker-classname: com.opencms.file.mySql.CmsResourceBroker
  [22.01.2002 20:30:35] <opencms_init> [CmsRbManager] got rb-class
  [22.01.2002 20:30:35] <opencms_init> [CmsRbManager] created rb-instance
  [22.01.2002 20:30:35] <opencms_init> [CmsResourceBroker] init the
  [22.01.2002 20:30:35] <opencms_init> [CmsDbAccess] init the dbaccess-module.
  [22.01.2002 20:30:35] <opencms_init> [CmsDbAccess] read pool-name from
  configurations: jdbc:opencmspool:mysql
  [22.01.2002 20:30:35] <opencms_init> [CmsDbAccess] read online-pool-name
  from configurations: jdbc:opencmspool:mysqlonline
  [22.01.2002 20:30:35] <opencms_init> [CmsDbAccess] read backup-pool-name
  from configurations: jdbc:opencmspool:mysqlbackup
  [22.01.2002 20:30:35] <opencms_init> [CmsDbAccess] read digest from
  configurations: MD5
  [22.01.2002 20:30:35] <opencms_init> [CmsDbAccess] digest created, using:
  MD5 Message Digest from SUN, <initialized>

  [22.01.2002 20:30:36] <opencms_init> [CmsDbAccess] fill default resources
  [22.01.2002 20:30:36] <opencms_init> [CmsRbManager] Critical error while
  loading resourcebroker.
  [22.01.2002 20:30:36] <opencms_init> [OpenCms] Critical error while loading

  No surprises here. It's pretty much everyone on the mailing list faced with
  installation issues has been getting...Tried searching the archives to no
  avail. Most of the relevant messages are pretty dated.

  Does anyone have any clue? Would appreciate the help.


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