[opencms-dev] Error in installation while importing Workplace --------OpenCMS RC1

Anil K Patel toanilpatel at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 7 07:54:15 CET 2003

Hello everybody,
I am trying to install RC1 release. The env is Win2000/Tomcat
403/JDK1.4.1/MySQL. I have 5Beta2 running fine.
While importing workplace during installation process, I get following
If somebody can give some help in resolving this error.

at com.opencms.boot.CmsSetupThread.run(CmsSetupThread.java:83)
14:  at com.opencms.boot.CmsMain.startSetup(CmsMain.java:120)
13:  at com.opencms.boot.CmsMain.begin(CmsMain.java:151)
12:  at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:259)
11:  at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Class.java:306)
10:  at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:274)
9:  at
8:  at
7:  at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
6:  at com.opencms.core.CmsShell.<init>(CmsShell.java:116)
5:  at com.opencms.core.OpenCms.<init>(OpenCms.java:233)
4: root cause was java.sql.SQLException: Invalid argument value: Duplicate
entry 'Guests' for key 2
3: root cause was com.opencms.core.CmsException: 4 Sql exception. Detailed
error: [com.opencms.file.mySql.CmsDbAccess] Invalid argument value:
Duplicate entry 'Guests' for key 2.
2: root cause was com.opencms.core.CmsException: 33 Resourcebroker-init
error. Detailed error: Critical error while loading resourcebroker.
1: com.opencms.core.CmsException: 33 Resourcebroker-init error. Detailed
error: Database init failed.
0: %%% props:

Anil K Patel
Aditisoft Inc

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