[opencms-dev] data structure

Nico Krause Nico.Krause at nsc.eu.com
Wed Jan 22 15:10:16 CET 2003

Wow. Sounds like a good day for me ...  I'll see. Thanks very much to all...

I will tell my boss I implemented it and implement else ;)



-----Original Message-----
From: Hanjo Riege [mailto:Hanjo.Riege at framfab.de] 
Sent: Mittwoch, 22. Januar 2003 14:52
To: 'opencms-dev at www.opencms.org'
Subject: AW: [opencms-dev] data structure

Hi Nico and Laurant,
if you want OpenCms to communicate with an ldap server, you should check out
ff branch from the cvs-repository. There is an OpenCms version based on
that can handle modules for user authentication. It includes a module for
Maybe this helps 

Best Regards,


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Nico Krause [mailto:Nico.Krause at nsc.eu.com]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 22. Januar 2003 12:23
An: 'opencms-dev at www.opencms.org'
Betreff: RE: [opencms-dev] data structure

Hi Laurant, 
may we could work together with this. I need several similar things very
very soon. (yesterday) Maybe an LDAP-Login + LDAP User Sync (Groups later) 
or any easy other thing which helps me synchronizing the users with another 
database including passwords. In the past I implemented an LDAP Sync for
another app - so I have some experiences in that and finished code snips.
which I could pull out. 
But currently I had not many looks into the OpenCMS API. And have no idea
how complicated this would be. It's a central thing or how many different
places to be modified.
I heard it's not trivial, but I heard also there were posted some
information in the past - how to do this... 
So if there´s any help around, please forward me also. Maybe I can estimate
if it's too complicated for me or too much work. Or a cool thing todo.
So long, 
-----Original Message----- 
From: laurent.belmonte [mailto:lolo at lolo3d.ods.org] 
Sent: Mittwoch, 22. Januar 2003 12:00 
To: opencms-dev at www.opencms.org 
Subject: [opencms-dev] data structure 
I want to know what is the signification of the DEFAULT_GROUP field of 
CMS_USERS table 
is it really necessery ? 
i want to write an alternative CmsDbAccess to read the authentification 
data elsewhere the opencms database. Somebody have already done that ? 
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