[opencms-dev] Create a new project - Confusing...

Sven Dittmar dittmar at rus.uni-stuttgart.de
Thu Jan 23 08:56:07 CET 2003

Hi Ralf,

> I did it, I choose a directory of my choice, lets say "test".  Then I get a
> CMSException:
> com.opencms.file.mySql.CmsDbAccess  /default/vfs/test
Me too. I also have to create the directories first before adding them 
to a project. Don't weather this is a feature or a bug :-)

> 1. make a total empty project of my choice 
> 2. how to integrate a already existing couple of HTML pages to a project and
> integrate it therefore in OpenCMS as a project so I can edit and publish it
> withing OpenCMS
Since OC divides into content and template, we do the following (we have 
many uni-stuttgart-sites here):
a) create the matching templates
b) create empty pages with that template
c) copy&paste the code/text from existing homepages into the active-x-editor

Sven Dittmar, RUS Infodienste ------ mailto:dittmar at rus.uni-stuttgart.de
Computing Center University of Stuttgart (RUS)   phone: +49.711.685.5990
Allmandring 30, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany       fax:   +49.711.678.7626
--------------------------------------- http://www.rus.uni-stuttgart.de/

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