[opencms-dev] Create a new project - Confusing...

Sven Dittmar dittmar at rus.uni-stuttgart.de
Thu Jan 23 09:30:18 CET 2003

Hi Alex,

> This is by intention. The "project" is just a view to the current folder
> tree, and you can only add existing resources, not create new ones while
> creating the project.

But then the field about directories where you can manually add 
directories leads to confusion.

The dir-list in the extra window only display dirs of the 
"online-project" - that means new dir must be published before they can 
be part of a project?

Sven Dittmar, RUS Infodienste ------ mailto:dittmar at rus.uni-stuttgart.de
Computing Center University of Stuttgart (RUS)   phone: +49.711.685.5990
Allmandring 30, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany       fax:   +49.711.678.7626
--------------------------------------- http://www.rus.uni-stuttgart.de/

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