[opencms-dev] Use of JSTL?

Eelco Hillenius eelco.hillenius at topicus.nl
Wed Jan 29 20:05:58 CET 2003

Hi all,

I am close to decide whether or not to use OpenCMS, or build my own (simple) CM for a new website. One of the things I would like to be able to do is use the JSTL. I copied the libs in /opencms/WEB-INF/libs. But now... how do I reference the TLD's? I don't have a clue how to reference stuff from the VFS...

I would normally use something like: <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/c.tld" prefix="c" %> to import a taglib (but where do I find /WEB-INF/ in the VFS?) and stuff like:
   <c:import url="layout/titlebox.jsp" /> 

Can I do these things (can I use custom taglibs?) and - if so - how? And, provided the directories are in the VFS, can I do an import of a JSP like above?

If I make the descision to use OpenCMS (I have to make the descision this week), OpenCMS will have a next real-life (and quite big) example! The project is to re-implement http://www.euronorm.net . It will look better, and will have all kinds of nice applications (like portlets) in it.

Thanx in advance,

Eelco Hillenius

Topicus B.V.
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