Upgrade-Path for export/data? Re: [opencms-dev] OpenCms version 5.0 rc 2 available

Sven Dittmar dittmar at rus.uni-stuttgart.de
Wed Feb 5 11:53:26 CET 2003

Hi Alex,

> I am happy to report that the OpenCms version 5.0 rc 2 is now
> available.
Thank you very much!

Quick question: What is the correct upgrade path if I prefer to install 
rc2 in a new instance and import my rc1-data accordingly?

I did export my stuff (excluding folder system but manually include 
system/bodies), but two problems:

a) all my projects are missing

b) self-defined templates and related files are not found

I tried to export again ncluding the system folder, but I get error 
messages as well.

How is this done correctly?

Thanks for any input,

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