[opencms-dev] How to remove the 'opencms'-part of url?

Thomas Maerz thomasmaerz at gmx.de
Mon Feb 24 20:57:35 CET 2003


> For example instead of 
> 'http://xyz.org:8080/opencms/opencms/index.jsp'
> something like
> 'http://xyz.org:8080/index.jsp'.

,----[ http://opencms.org/majordomo/opencms-dev/0210/msg00124.html ]
| Martin, Bart,
| this is correct if you want to change the servlet path in OpenCms, you have
| to do two things:
| 1) Modifiy the servlet-mapping in the web.xml as Bart did.
| 2) Adapt the path in the opencms.properties "url_prefix_http" to the new
| servlet path.
| Why is this second change required?
| OpenCms is able to generate static exports of the website created by the
| system. Since it it possible to export only a part of the site to the
| webserver, the links between the exported and not-exported parts of the
| pages must be modified during the export process. This mechanism is also
| used for the preview function of the OpenCms workpalce (which did not work
| after Bart's changes).
| The "url_prefix" parameters defines, where the OpenCms can find either the
| dynamically genrated pages (url_prefix_http), the static exported ones
| (url_prefix_export) or those useing https (url_prefix_https).
| Please note: If you modify the servlet path from
| "/[applicationname]/[servlet]/" to "/[applicationname]/", you cannot use the
| static export with its default location (which is inside the webapplication
| directory), as all requests in this webapplication are now forwared to the
| OpenCms servlet.
| Regards,
| Michael Emmerich
| OpenCms Professional Services
| Framfab Deutschland


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