[opencms-dev] OpenCMS too many connection and strange project flag problem

Nico Krause nico.krause at nsc.eu.com
Sun Mar 2 14:20:31 CET 2003

Hi Alex, (or someone else .. )

maybe you remember my problem with the strange grey project flags which 
appear sometimes. (graphic alt text: belongs to project [nothing] ) Then 
your not able to publish any resource.

I can give you now some more information about this:
The only chance now is to restart tomcat. After this you can publish 
your resources it like normal again,
it does not go around with different user ids and logins while 
developing your application, as it was my first thought.

So if this happens theirs also no possibilty to connect to the mysql 
database (too many connections)
I use currently on this server OpenCMS 5RC1 - I currently don't know if 
this also is a problem with RC2.
The too many connections, could also be caused by my applications but 
I'm sure every db connection is closed by con.close(); in my 
application. I'm using the OpenCMS db pool.

If somebody could help me with this, that would be awesome..

Thank you in advance,
Have a nice Sunday,


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