[opencms-dev] Templates using XML- and JSP-includes return strange getUri-results

Michael Nebel michael.nebel at intares.net
Sun Mar 23 13:23:53 CET 2003


I have a strange effect, when using XML and JSP-includes
within the same document.

- the "master-Template" welcome has three includes:

   ... stuff before ...
    <!-- Navigation starts here -->
         <cms:include file="../elements/intares_nav.jsp"/>
    <!-- Navigation ends here -->
    <!-- Main page body starts here -->
        <cms:include file="../elements/bodyloader.xml" element="body" />
    <!-- Main page body ends here -->

    <!-- Right Nav starts here -->
        <cms:include file="../elements/intares_para.jsp"/>
    <!-- ende parameter -->
    ... stuff after....

- both JSPs look pricipal the same in the beginning:

  com.opencms.flex.cache.CmsFlexRequest req =
           (com.opencms.flex.cache.CmsFlexRequest) request;
  com.opencms.file.CmsObject cms = req.getCmsObject();
  String filename = cms.getRequestContext().getUri();
  String paraname = cms.getRequestContext().getFolderUri();
  java.util.ArrayList paralist =
   CmsJspNavElement.getNavigationTreeForFolder(cms, paraname, 1, 4, "");

  out.println("<!-- debug: "+paraname+" - "+filename+" - "+
       cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot()+" - "+

- the getUri before and after the XML-Include looks as such:

  ... stuff before
     <!-- debug: /Public/Produkte/TQS/ - /Public/Produkte/TQS/index.html 

              - /default/vfs - ...
...main body...
     <!-- debug: /system/modules/org.intares.welcome/jsptemplates/ -
          /system/modules/org.intares.welcome/jsptemplates/welcome -
            /default/vfs - ..
.. stuff after

Confusing for me is, that befor calling the body-xml the
getUri returns "/Public/Produkte/TQS/", but afterwards the Uri
is the location of the welcome-Template 

My question:

Has anybody a hint for me, how I can get the right
getRequestContext().getUri() after calling the body.xml? I'm
just thinking about writing a body-loader as jsp to get ride
of the xml-Include, but that doesn't make sense to me.

The configuration:
- platform (Linux, Apache, Tomcat, Open cms 5.0 rc2, Mysql)

Regards for any help and greetings from the sunny Hamburg (Germany)


Michael Joachim Nebel
michael.nebel at intares.net

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