[opencms-dev] Extend file size limitation of OpenCMS

Thomas Gick thomasgick at web.de
Sun Mar 30 12:42:53 CEST 2003

Hi Ralph,

if you use mysql, you can configure it there.
You can increase it to about 16 MB.

Under Oracle i.e. there isnĀ“t any restriction.


agd> Hi,

agd> when I try to insert a resource (i.e. an XML file) larger then a certain
agd> size (more then around 1 MB) in the VFS download then OpenCMS produces an
agd> Error/Exception. 

agd> Does somebody know how I can extend this / configure this? I have not seen
agd> anything in the configuration file to manipulate this? Would I have to
agd> configure this in the database (i.e. MySQL) ?

agd> Cheers
agd> Ralf

Best regards,
 Thomas                            mailto:thomasgick at web.de

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