[opencms-dev] MySQL Error: Cannot Create Tables

Björn Aberti bjoern_al at hotmail.com
Thu May 8 11:52:00 CEST 2003

Hello everybody,

I'm trying to install the new release 5.0 under Linux 8.1 unsing Tomcat 
4.1.18 and MySQL. I started the installation and entered in the page 
(settings for the database) my password for the root user which is stored in 
the database 'mysql' in table 'user'. Hope this is correct. When I continue 
to the next step, it says that the tables couldn't be created and displays a 
error message like this:

java.SQL.SQLException: General Error: Column "RESOURCENAME"  is used with 
UNIQUE or INDEX but is not defiened as NOT NULL

java.SQL.SQLException: invalid argument value: Specified key was too long. 
Max key length is 256

java.SQL.SQLException: invalid argument value: Specified key was too long. 
Max key length is 256

But it creates the database successfully...

Any ideas?

Thanks Björn

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