[opencms-dev] upload a file
Stephan Hartmann
hartmann at waehrisch-feykes.de
Wed May 28 12:28:01 CEST 2003
Hi Andrea,
you can not make any changes to the online project.
You have to login and switch to an offline project. There may be an
tempfileProject with id 3 (dont know if this is alway so) that you can use.
Otherwise you can create one with your CmsObject.
The CmsRequestContext has a method setCurrentProject(int id) to switch the
There you can create your resource and publish it directly.
Afterwards switch back to the old project.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When you login as admin your CmsRequestContext will be
generated newly (new instance). So you have to do your parameter processing
and so on before.
Am Dienstag, 27. Mai 2003 16:18 schrieben Sie:
> hi,
> I'm trying to upload a files from a JSP page in the OpenCMS VFS.
> When I'm logged in the workplace as admin, if I lock the "uploads"
> directory, everything works fine.
> If I publish the project, and logout from the workplace, I get an
> exception, it seems guest doesn't have the rights to write in the
> "uploads" directory (but I granted read/write access to guests)
> I tried also something like
> cms.loginUser("admin",password)
> cms.lockResource(WORKING_PATH);
> but I get an "Access Denied" exception!
> This is the JSP code:
> <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="#">
> <b>Select a file and submit!</b>
> <input type="file" name="uploader"/>
> <br/>
> <input type="submit" value="upload!"/>
> </form>
> <%String WORKING_PATH="/andrea/uploads/";
> com.opencms.file.CmsObject cms =
> ((com.opencms.flex.cache.CmsFlexRequest)request).getCmsObject();
> com.opencms.file.CmsRequestContext reqContext =
> cms.getRequestContext();
> com.opencms.core.CmsRequestHttpServlet req =
> (com.opencms.core.CmsRequestHttpServlet)(reqContext.getRequest());
> java.util.Enumeration files = req.getFileNames();
> while(files.hasMoreElements()){
> String this_filename = (String) files.nextElement();
> byte[] filecontent = req.getFile(this_filename);
> cms.createResource(WORKING_PATH, this_filename, "binary", null,
> filecontent);
> }%>
> what's wrong in this JSP? please help!
> Andrea Frittoli
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