[opencms-dev] OpenCms and Expresso?

dwight at penski.com dwight at penski.com
Tue Jan 13 20:15:02 CET 2004

Yesterday I asked the question:

>> My question: what database abstraction/persistence layers are available
>> (Open Source preferred) that work well in JSPs developed and hosted in
>> OpenCms projects? Even better, are there facilities in OpenCms to
>> assist in managing database resources, akin to such facilities in
>> SilverStream? The "Database Management" icon in the OpenCms workbench
>> appears to only be for importing and exporting of OpenCms projects.

Joachim Arrasz suggested Torque and Turbine, but these look still somewhat
low-level, at least from their descriptions ... but perhaps I am mistaken?

Since then I've come across "Expresso" by JCorporate. It appears that
Expresso and OpenCms are largely orthogonal, and Expresso has (or claims
to have) a well-developed object-relational mapping model.

Has anyone had experience with this combination, who can comment on the
wisdom of this path and point out any potential problems?

  --Dwight Tuinstra
    dwight at penski.com

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