[opencms-dev] clonning a module

Juan Ignacio Cidre jicidre at sib.interbanking.com.ar
Thu Jan 15 17:15:02 CET 2004

I'm developing a site in my own module (Project Offline).
I have to make a presentation that include modification of contents.
I dont want to stop the development team, so I need to "clone" the 
module (to develope in one and make the presentation on the other)
Is there a way to do such a thing?


Salvador Santander Gutierrez wrote:

>I've changed the opencms to the name 'intranet' and the name of the export
>directory. Could be this a problem for the future? We are having problems
>with our server and I want to know if this could be the problem.
>I'm using Tomcat 4.1.24 and I've changed the context changing the name of
>the directory to 'intranet', and changed the <servlet> directive in web.xml
>of opencms to redirect request to /intranet/* to OpenCms servlet.
>To change the export directory:
>- I've changed the property of 'opencms.properties
>- I've created a directory 'exported' with right access in
>- Also I've changed the properties in opencms.properties:
>     - url_prefix_export=/${WEB_APP_NAME}/exported
>     - url_prefix_http=/${WEB_APP_NAME}/notexported
>With this changes, to access to the dinamyc content of opencms the request
>must be like 'http://server:8080/intranet/notexported/....' and to access to
>exported pages 'http://server:8080/intranet/exported/....'
>Is this correct? Changing this is dangerous for the correct operation of
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