[opencms-dev] Can't edit page even after replacing the XML/Xerces parser

Leif leif at eurostart.net
Sat Jan 17 23:43:02 CET 2004

I just installed OpenCMS 5.0.1, but when I try to edit any html file within OpenCMS, I get a http 500 error with the
following message:

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.xerces.dom.CoreDocumentImpl.getEncoding()Ljava/lang/String;
 at com.opencms.template.CmsXmlXercesParser.getOriginalEncoding(CmsXmlXercesParser.java:193)
 at com.opencms.template.CmsXmlXercesParser.getXmlText(CmsXmlXercesParser.java:131)

I have read somewhere that "This a a conflict of XML/Xerces jar versions.
Tomcat comes with a version that is not compatible with OpenCms at this time.
Solution: Look for a xercesImpl.jar somehere in the default Tomcat lib folders.
Replace this with the xerxec1.4.4.jar that ships with OpenCms."

I've copied my "xerxec1.4.4.jar" into c:\tomcat\common\endorsed and renamed it "xercesImpl.jar".
(The original "xercesImpl.jar" was renamed "xercesImpl.jar.org"). I have tried restarting Tomcat and the computer
several times but it still doesn't work..... Any ideas?

My Tomcat version is 4.1.29

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