[opencms-dev] Use of commons-fileupload with OpenCMS

Ben Rometsch ben at solidstategroup.com
Fri Feb 6 10:35:01 CET 2004

Sorry to bump a topic, but has anyone successfully used OpenCMS to 
upload files via a MIME Multipart http post? Not necessarily using 


Ben Rometsch wrote:

> Hi There,
> I cannot get the jakarta-commons file-upload API to work under openCMS.
> http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/fileupload/
> According to fileupload, the multi-part form request that is generated 
> by the browser when trying to upload a file contains NO name-value 
> pairs. I have run identical code in a pure tomcat/jsp environment and 
> it works fine.
> Has anyone successfully used file-upload with OpenCMS? Or is there 
> another standard way of handling multipart forms?
> Thanks,
> Ben

----== Solid State Group ==----
Web     www.solidstategroup.com
Email   ben at solidstategroup.com
MSN     benrometsch at hotmail.com

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