AW: [opencms-dev] Using DB Import instead of "the hard way"

Thomas Gagné tgagne at
Wed Feb 11 16:12:02 CET 2004

So instead of importing, I should synchronize.  That's cool.  I can work 
with that.

The syncronize dialog window asks for a few inputs:

Project Name: Should be for a project that has specified the VFS 
directory I'm synchronizing?
Blank Line: What goes here?  There's no prompt, just a blank input box.
Folders: Do I create first a module then synchronize to the bodies 
directory?  Which module directory should synchronized files begin with?
Destination Path: Is this a zip file or just a directory root?  I take 
it it must be a file on the server and not on my remote local computer.

Alexander Kandzior wrote:

>Sorry I thought your import already was in OpenCms export format. 
>If you just have lots of files to import, use the "Synchronize" feature of
>OpenCms (it's one of the icons on the Administration screen). Not the
>import, this is only for files that have been already exported out of

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