[opencms-dev] Re: Error while creating new pagecom.opencms.core.CMSException

Daniel López D.Lopez at uib.es
Fri Feb 20 13:27:01 CET 2004


I tried that and, in my case, it did not work. The problem is that if 
you start Tomcat using the direct links that are created in the program 
group, it seems catalina.bat is not executed. So you have to patch the 
links that are created there.
In my case, I patched the link that is called "Start Tomcat" and added 
the -Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1  option. So now it looks like that:

F:\Java\jdk1.4.1\bin\java.exe -jar -Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1 
-Duser.dir="C:\java\Tomcat 4.1" "C:\java\Tomcat 4.1\bin\bootstrap.jar" start

Warning: You would need to change the Java and Tomcat paths so they 
refer to the appropriate locations.


Joachim Arrasz escribió:

> Hi,
> if you want to start tomcat with iso encoding. you can do this change
> without a reinstall... just patch catalina.bat!
> Then restart Tomcat and it`s finished.
> To change encoding from Opencms edit opencms.properties and set the
> encoding you want.
> Bye Achim

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