[opencms-dev] (no subject)

Ralph Musch Ralph.Musch at alabus.com
Mon Feb 23 13:12:02 CET 2004

Dear Opencms Group,

I work for the alabus ag (Zürich, Switzerland). 

I have the same problem as Ray described in his messages from Sun Nov 30
14:59:01 2003 and Wed Dec 10 07:38:01 2003.

As we use OpenCms as our main cms system, we also defined more than one
virtual host for the same OpenCms installation and we have the same proplem
while publishing.
Ray's message was:

Dear Opencms Group,

we´ve defined several virtual hosts in the server.xml for our opencms
application and we found out, that only the first defined virtual host in
the server.xml works properly. After modify and publish an opencms content
page the page will only appear if we access to the page through the first
defined virtual host in the server.xml. All other defined virtual hosts are
shown the last version of the page.

The confusion is: After restart Tomcat and access the content page through
the other virtual hosts the page are suddenly up-to-date !?

Has anybody an idea?

Thanks in advance for any help.


I could not find a solution to this problem yet. Was there a message I
missed or is this problem already solved in a newer version of OpenCms (we
use 5.0.0.)

Thanks in advance for any help.


Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Ralph Musch
Diplom-Informatiker FH
Certified Software Engineer

alabus ag
Graben 5
CH-6300 Zug

Phone:+41 (0)41 729 88 77
Fax:	+41 (0)41 729 88 78
Mail: 	ralph.musch at alabus.com
www:	www.alabus.com

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