[opencms-dev] servlet request object & authentication

Michael Goodwin mgoodwin at amadeus.net
Fri Mar 12 13:19:02 CET 2004

Hi all,

I have a small problem trying to do uploads. I would like to bypass the
opencms filesystem and upload directly to the server file system. To do
this I was using commons-fileupload, from the apache project. It works well
on its own, but the problem is that all request objects are intercepted by
the opencms servlet and replaced by CmsFlexRequest . This prevents me using
the commons-fileupload - it seems to loose the files - I think opencms
intercepts them and puts them into the database. This is what I need to

1.Can I get the original request object?
2.Can I bypass the opencms servlet for some jsp files (this could be done
through web.xml, but then the module would not be portable)?
3. Anyone give a good explanation of how opencms interacts with tomcat for
authentication? I don't really understand this yet. Does tomcat authorise
users, is there a 'security realm' specified for opencms? Or is this done
in the opencms servlet?

Thanks for any help


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