[opencms-dev] Error touching a file with the workplace in italian.

Rune Piselli rune at quanam.it
Wed Mar 17 13:37:01 CET 2004

when you try to touch a file with the workplace in italian you get a
Javascript error.
The error is caused by an invalid value in the workplace_it.properties

The wrong value is:

error.message.contentage=Il formato della data che hai specificato non è
valido.\nPer favore utilizza il seguente formato: mm-gg-aaaa hh:mm:ss

The value should be:

error.message.contentage=Il formato della data che hai specificato non è
valido.\\nPer favore utilizza il seguente formato: mm-gg-aaaa hh:mm:ss

The problem in the string is the \n token in Java it’s handled as a new
line corrupting the javascript (in /workplace/action/touch.html).

I’ve seen also other values with the same problem.

Should I report this in bugzilla?

Which is the tagging policy in the CVS?
Which is the tag for Kaitan 5.0.0?


Rune Piselli
Quanam S.r.l.

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