[opencms-dev] JS error in wysiwig editor (once again)

Salvador Santander Gutierrez ssantander at grupoiud.com
Mon Mar 29 09:54:02 CEST 2004

Try to install Internet Explorer 6.0.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ulrich Babiak" <opencms at ausschlafen.com>
To: <opencms-dev at opencms.org>
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 6:12 PM
Subject: [opencms-dev] JS error in wysiwig editor (once again)

I know there are several posts on the list  and bugzilla regarding
this issue, but none of the recommendations did work for us
so basically we can not use opencms from many of our workstations.

clicking on "edit page" opens the editor, the editor
window itself loads completely but the text area is empty - i.e.
it does not load or show the text contained in the page that is to be
edited. The yellow triangle shows up in the status bar
(Error message "Objekt erwarted (Object expected) - Code: 0 )
Neither saving or closing (red X) the editor is possible, so I have
to close the browser window and login again.
This is happening on both Win2000 and WinNT workstations with different
versions of MSIE. And the same thing happens if I click on
"edit source" instead of "edit page".

Here's what I did:
- Add the server to the trusted zone
- Modify the trusted zone to the lowest security settings possible,
  especially allowing all ActiveX stuff etc.
- Upgrading to the very newest MSIE (6.0.280 or so) from windowsupdate.com
- Downgrading back to MSIE 5.0
Nothing helped at all.

I would be grateful for any suggestion what to do, because otherwise
we would have to use mozilla (and lose the valuable and timesaving
cut-and-paste mechanism to import from Word Docs ...)

Ulrich (OpenCMS newbie ...)

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