[opencms-dev] user password...

Vincent Knecht vince at iefr.ath.cx
Thu Apr 22 23:29:01 CEST 2004


do you really want to crack this password ?
you may spend great amount of time by doing so ;-)

i guess what you really want to do is something like:
1 request/get the user pass in clear from some form,
2 use an existing method from OpenCMS to encrypt it (look in CmsObject),
3 compare the result to the pass stored in users table.

sorry, i don't have code or links about this, but i think it might help

good luck

Le jeu 22/04/2004 à 22:59, Rufus Knight a écrit :
> I am trying to retrieve a user's password from the OpenCMS database,
> however I only can retrieve the encrypted version of it.  Is there any
> method that I can use to decrypt this information?  Thanks.

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