[opencms-dev] Content not updated after publish

Paul D. Bain paulbain at pobox.com
Mon May 3 17:39:02 CEST 2004

At +0100Saturday 5/1/04 09:22 PM, Jorge Pinho wrote:

>I have a openCMS version 4.4.6 installed [on] RedHat Linux 7, [and the] 
>tomcat version is 4.0.6.
>When a page is updated, it takes a restart of the tomcat for the new 
>content to show.
>Updating the software is not an option due to cross-enterprise restrictions.
>One strange thing is that not all the pages need a restart, some of them 
>go online after publish.
>any sugestions ?


         First, examine the log files for both Tomcat and OpenCMS. On 
Debian Linux, the Tomcat log file is /var/log/tomcat4/catalina.out, i.e., 
it is _not_ called simply "tomcat.log." My OpenCMS log is 

         Then, increase the "debug level" for Tomcat in the main Tomcat 
configuration file, server.xml. You can do this by setting the value 
higher. For example, suppose you have the following in your server.xml:


Change it to, for example:


This attribute can have a value as high as nine (9). Remember to reset the 
values when you are finished debugging, because debugging increases 
logging, which can reduce performance greatly.

Paul Bain

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