[opencms-dev] how to set up news and channel on JSP templates

Arian Abrahantes Quintana Arian.Abrahantes.Quintana at cern.ch
Tue May 11 16:53:01 CEST 2004

Dear all,

I am rookie on opencms and jsp -I am trying to improve myself-. I have installed the news module and downloaded a news-stuff.zip file available somewhere in the net (arenal.de). I verified that examples contained on that news-demo managed properly  my news channels (I must appoint that those examples are implemented on xml). But with those on JSP I couldn't manage to make them work especially trying to add them to my templates. I also tried searching in the mailing list archive some information but I couldn't find anything that fit me. Probably the answer is there... so...

Could anybody tell me how to make the integration of news and channels in my jsp templates or, at least, where can I find such information?...



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