[opencms-dev] lucene and broken links

M Butcher mbutcher at grcomputing.net
Wed May 12 22:12:01 CEST 2004


Good idea. I will add it to the TODO list. If you should get around to 
making the change (which should be fairly easy to do), please send me 
the patch. I suppose an even better approach would be to test links and 
not follow them if broken.

Since I had never needed to set it higher than 10, it never occured to 
me to make the setting configurable.



Christian Pöcher wrote:
> Hi there again,
> some of our customers generate a lot of broken links. Of course we tell them, if we see it, but there is always the possibilty there is no time for them to fix. Anyway lucene's IndexManager stalls after ten broken links. To change it, I raised the proper constant from 10 to 1000 and compiled it. As it is a constant, it might be a good candidate for an entry in registry.xml.
> What is your opinion? Is this value to small? Should it be configurable in registry.xml? Maybe I can code it, if it doesn't take too long, but don't rely on me. ;)
> chris

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