[opencms-dev] Maximum File Upload Size

kevin fong kfong at spto.org
Tue Jun 15 22:14:02 CEST 2004

Hi there,

I am using version 5.3.4.  I am using the setting "maxfileupload" in opencms-workplace to configure the maximum file size that can be uploaded into the system.  As you know there are 2 ways of performing the upload in opencms:

1) HTML multi type form method
- validates against maxfileupload * 1024
2) Using the applet
- validates against maxfileupload

Would like to verify if this was intentional or not and if not which is the correct approach.  Can't seem to find one but if a bug has been logged before, has it been fixed?

Also note that if you are using 1) and the file uploaded exceeds the maxfileupload * 1024, a NullPointerException is displayed on the page rather than a more meaningful error that tells the user what actually caused the problem.  Is there a bug logged for this?  Appreciate any advice.


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