[opencms-dev] OpenCMS 5.3.5 - Issues / Fixes

kevin fong kfong at spto.org
Wed Jun 30 09:35:58 CEST 2004

Hi all,

After having spent about a week with the 535 build, I noticed the following upgrades/fixes and noted some issues, would most appreciate it if anyone can advise of resolution:

1. Resolved special character encoding eg. accented "e" in mshtml WYSIWYG editor

2. Release date / Publish date fields added, "Touch" file to update these, not sure how/when this is used though

1. The introduction of the Release /Publish dates have introduced changes to the access control logic checking for "channels" for the Content Object Store (COS) used by some backoffice news module and now there are no access rights for admin to use these channels even though admin user and group has full access rights to the folders. Most appreciate any advice on this, in the log files I get despite having all the permissions set to all the  folders:

"[org.opencms.db.CmsDriverManager:2135]Access to resource /channels/news/en/ not permitted for user Admin, required permissions +w not satisfied by +r-w+v-c+d"

2. Renaming files - file disappears and gets moved to "/" folder, renaming folders is ok.

3. Another user in this forum mentioned that when doing static export, only the default locale gets exported.

Appreciate any help,

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