[opencms-dev] OpenCMS 5.0 + ORACLE 9i: problems importing the workspace during installation

Massimo Zallocco m.zallocco at inera.it
Wed Jul 21 13:54:01 CEST 2004

during the last installation step (import workspace) I get an error (see below). I seems that the system
cannot login as Admin/admin. The database on Oracle contains the Admin entry in the users table and the
connection seems to be ok. 

Could you please helpme understanding what's going on?

Oracle 9i
Tomcat 5.0 (ISO-8859-1)
OpenCms 5.0.1

many thanx
Massimo Zallocco


140: java.lang.NullPointerException
139: Login failed!
137:  at com.opencms.boot.CmsSetupThread.run(CmsSetupThread.java:83)
136:  at com.opencms.boot.CmsMain.startSetup(CmsMain.java:120)
135:  at com.opencms.boot.CmsMain.begin(CmsMain.java:164)
134:  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
133:  at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
132:  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
131:  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
130:  at com.opencms.core.CmsShell.commands(CmsShell.java:188)
129:  at com.opencms.core.CmsShell.call(CmsShell.java:147)
128:  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
127:  at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
126:  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
125:  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
124:  at com.opencms.core.CmsShellCommands.login(CmsShellCommands.java:2086)
123:  at com.opencms.file.CmsObject.loginUser(CmsObject.java:2323)
122:  at com.opencms.file.CmsObject.init(CmsObject.java:2200)
121:  at com.opencms.file.CmsRequestContext.init(CmsRequestContext.java:177)
120:  at com.opencms.file.genericSql.CmsResourceBroker.readWebUser(CmsResourceBroker.java:6561)
119:  at com.opencms.file.genericSql.CmsDbAccess.readUser(CmsDbAccess.java:10197)
118: com.opencms.core.CmsException: 10 Unknown User. Detailed error: [com.opencms.file.oraclesql.CmsDbAccess]Admin. 
117: {Guest at Online}> {Guest at Online}> login Admin admin 
115: exit or quit      Leaves the Shell
114: help help         Prints this text
113: help <substring>  Lists only those commands containing this substring
112: help <command>    Shows signature of command
111: help              Gives a list of available commands with signature
109: further details.
108: Please see the GNU Lesser General Public Licence for
107: redistribute it under certain conditions.
106: This is free software, and you are welcome to
105: OpenCms comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
104: Copyright (c) 2000-2002 The OpenCms Group
103: Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Alkacon Software
101: 5.0.1 Kaitain
100: . Link rules init      : finished
99: . Generating rulesets  : ok
98: . Link rules init      : starting
97: . Element cache        : enabled
96: . User permission init : Default language is 'en'
95: . User permission init : Default access flags are 383
94: . Password validation  : com.opencms.util.PasswordValidtation
93: . Launcher init        : finished
92: . Launcher loaded      : com.opencms.flex.CmsJspLoader with id 6
91: JSP export URL: null
90: JSP repository (web application path): /WEB-INF/jsp
89: JSP repository (absolute path): C:\Tomcat50\webapps\opencms\WEB-INF\jsp\
88: Initialized!
87: . Launcher loaded      : com.opencms.launcher.CmsLinkLauncher with id 4
86: . Launcher loaded      : com.opencms.flex.CmsDumpLoader with id 1
85: . Launcher loaded      : com.opencms.flex.CmsXmlTemplateLoader with id 3
84: [CmsTemplateCache] Initialized successfully.
83: . Launcher package     : com.opencms.launcher
82: . Launcher init        : starting
81: . Flex cache init      : finished
80: . Flex cache init      : starting
79: . Default file         : 2 - index.jsp
78: . Default file         : 1 - index.html
77: . Resource translation : 4 rules initialized
76: . Filename translation : enabled
75: . File max. upload size: unlimited
74: . Resource translation : 11 rules initialized
73: . Directory translation: enabled
72: . Immutable resources  : enabled
71: . Immutable resource   : 20 - /default/vfs/system/workplace/templates/
70: . Immutable resource   : 19 - /default/vfs/system/workplace/scripts/
69: . Immutable resource   : 18 - /default/vfs/system/workplace/restypes/
68: . Immutable resource   : 17 - /default/vfs/system/workplace/resources/
67: . Immutable resource   : 16 - /default/vfs/system/workplace/locales/
66: . Immutable resource   : 15 - /default/vfs/system/workplace/help/
65: . Immutable resource   : 14 - /default/vfs/system/workplace/administration/
64: . Immutable resource   : 13 - /default/vfs/system/workplace/action/
63: . Immutable resource   : 12 - /default/vfs/system/workplace/
62: . Immutable resource   : 11 - /default/vfs/system/shared/
61: . Immutable resource   : 10 - /default/vfs/system/modules/
60: . Immutable resource   : 9 - /default/vfs/system/login/
59: . Immutable resource   : 8 - /default/vfs/system/galleries/pics/
58: . Immutable resource   : 7 - /default/vfs/system/galleries/htmlgalleries/
57: . Immutable resource   : 6 - /default/vfs/system/galleries/externallinks/
56: . Immutable resource   : 5 - /default/vfs/system/galleries/download/
55: . Immutable resource   : 4 - /default/vfs/system/galleries/
54: . Immutable resource   : 3 - /default/vfs/system/bodies/
53: . Immutable resource   : 2 - /default/vfs/system/
52: . Immutable resource   : 1 - /default/vfs/
51: . Old context support  : disabled
50: . Remove properties    : enabled
49: . Clear import property: 1 - module
48: . Old webapp URL       : http://localhost:8080/opencms/opencms/
47: . Old locale support   : disabled
46: . JSP errorPage commit : enabled
45: . OpenCms scheduler    : enabled
44: . Legacy HTTP streaming: disabled
43: . Found mime types     : 127 entrys
42: . Resource broker init : phase 4 ok - finished
41: . Initializing registry: finished
40: . Initializing registry: starting
39: [com.opencms.dbpool.CmsPool] oracleOcionline: starting connection-guard
38: [com.opencms.dbpool.CmsPool] oracleOcionline: created
37: [com.opencms.dbpool.CmsPool] oracleOcionline: creating new connection. Current Amount is:4
36: [com.opencms.dbpool.CmsPool] oracleOcionline: creating new connection. Current Amount is:3
35: [com.opencms.dbpool.CmsPool] oracleOcionline: creating new connection. Current Amount is:2
34: [com.opencms.dbpool.CmsPool] oracleOcionline: creating new connection. Current Amount is:1
33: [com.opencms.dbpool.CmsPool] oracleOcionline: creating new connection. Current Amount is:0
32: [CmsDbAccess] fillDefaults() starting NOW!
31: . Database fill default: yes
30: [com.opencms.dbpool.CmsPool] oracleOci: starting connection-guard
29: [com.opencms.dbpool.CmsPool] oracleOci: created
28: [com.opencms.dbpool.CmsPool] oracleOci: creating new connection. Current Amount is:9
27: [com.opencms.dbpool.CmsPool] oracleOci: creating new connection. Current Amount is:8
26: [com.opencms.dbpool.CmsPool] oracleOci: creating new connection. Current Amount is:7
25: [com.opencms.dbpool.CmsPool] oracleOci: creating new connection. Current Amount is:6
24: [com.opencms.dbpool.CmsPool] oracleOci: creating new connection. Current Amount is:5
23: [com.opencms.dbpool.CmsPool] oracleOci: creating new connection. Current Amount is:4
22: [com.opencms.dbpool.CmsPool] oracleOci: creating new connection. Current Amount is:3
21: [com.opencms.dbpool.CmsPool] oracleOci: creating new connection. Current Amount is:2
20: [com.opencms.dbpool.CmsPool] oracleOci: creating new connection. Current Amount is:1
19: [com.opencms.dbpool.CmsPool] oracleOci: creating new connection. Current Amount is:0
18: . Using digest encoding: MD5 from SUN version 1.42
17: . Digest file encoding : UTF-8
16: . Digest configured    : MD5
15: . Database backup pool : jdbc:opencmspool:oracleOcibackup
14: . Database online pool : jdbc:opencmspool:oracleOcionline
13: . Database offline pool: jdbc:opencmspool:oracleOci
12: . Database access init : ok
11: . Resource broker init : phase 3 ok - creating db access module
10: . Resource broker init : phase 2 ok - initializing database
9: . Resource broker init : phase 1 ok - starting
8: . Resource broker class: com.opencms.file.oraclesql.CmsResourceBroker
7: . Resource broker used : oracleOci
6: . Operating sytem      : Windows 2000 5.0 x86 
5: . Java VM in use       : Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.4.2-b28 mixed mode Sun Microsystems Inc. 
4: . Ethernet address used: 97:16:4a:b8:9d:10
3: . Encoding set to      : ISO-8859-1
2: . System file.encoding : ISO-8859-1
1: . OpenCms encoding     : ISO-8859-1
0: %%% props: C:\Tomcat50\webapps\opencms\WEB-INF\config/opencms.properties

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