[opencms-dev] Gallery permissions

Rosemarie Leighton RLeighton at iqgroup.net
Tue Jul 27 13:12:00 CEST 2004

Hi All,
Please could someone help me with the following.  I have a multiple
image/link/download/html galleries.  That are for different clients.
Each client should only see their own folder in the respective galleries. I
have tried setting the permissions to the following:
Folder	 Owner	 Rights	 Group	 Rights	 Others - Rights	
system\galleries\pics\client	 <user-projectmanager-groupA>	 rwv
<UsergroupA>	 rwv	 r	
system\galleries\pics\client	 <user-projectmanager-groupB>	 rwv
<UsergroupB>	 rwv	 r	
Currently with the above permissions, client A can not see client B's or
client C's folder, yet when logged in as Client B I select the image gallery
and the correct image gallery name is displayed yet the images belong to
Client A's image gallery.  It would appear that the system runs through each
folder under the gallery folder and tries to display the images even though
I have restricted the access via the owner/group.  
Another option I have tried resulted in a publishing error..yet somehow
worked in reflecting the correct images associated with the correct folder
Folder	 Owner	 Rights	 Group	 Rights	 Others - Rights	
system\galleries\pics\client	 <user-projectmanager-groupA>	 rwv
<UsergroupA>	 rwv	 -	
system\galleries\pics\client	 <user-projectmanager-groupB>	 rwv
<UsergroupB>	 rwv	 -	
The error I got (even though I published as an administrator, projectmanager
or owner of file) I got the following error:
Exception com.opencms.core.CmsException: 31 Access denied to resource.
Detailed error: [com.opencms.file.mySql.CmsResourceBroker]
at com.opencms.file.CmsObject.readProperty(CmsObject.java:3302)
at com.opencms.util.Utils.isHttpsResource(Utils.java:368)
at com.opencms.launcher.CmsDumpLauncher.launch(CmsDumpLauncher.java:112)
at com.opencms.launcher.A_CmsLauncher.initlaunch(A_CmsLauncher.java:274)
at com.opencms.file.CmsStaticExport.exportLink(CmsStaticExport.java:628)
at com.opencms.file.CmsStaticExport.<init>(CmsStaticExport.java:259)
at com.opencms.file.CmsObject.exportStaticResources(CmsObject.java:1523)
at com.opencms.file.CmsObject.publishProject(CmsObject.java:2453)
at com.opencms.file.CmsObject.publishResource(CmsObject.java:2598)

Currently with the above permissions, client A can not see client B's or
client C's folder, and when Client A is accessing the it's own image gallery
- it locates the correct images.  
Is there a better way to implement this?
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