[opencms-dev] How to escape <% %> in jsp template

Eduard Nesterov edn at quadrix.com
Thu Aug 5 02:16:01 CEST 2004


Thank you for the prompt reply. I have also found that 
<\%@language="javascript"%> will output <%@language="javascript"%>.

Thanks again,

Thomas Joseph Olaes wrote:

>Hey Ed,
>If the JSP is generating an ASP page I guess you could do something like:
><%= "<" + "%" %>@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT"<%= "%" + ">" %>
>but that's only if the JSP generates the ASP, which in turn is parsed
>by something else that parses the ASP.
>On Wed, 04 Aug 2004 17:58:39 -0400, Eduard Nesterov <edn at quadrix.com> wrote:
>>H List,
>>I need to generate asp page with opencms.
>>The problem I am having now is how to escape asp scriplets (for example
>>"<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT"%>" ) in jsp template.
>>I have never used plain xml templates, but I feel like it may help me in
>>this situation.
>>Does anybody have any ideas on the matter? All hints are appreciated.
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