[SPAM] - [opencms-dev] OpenCms 6.0 alpha 2 released - Bayesian Filter detected spam

Fievet Marc Marc.Fievet at winterthur.be
Wed Oct 27 16:16:34 CEST 2004


I try to test it but OpenCMS is loaded I have the following message:

PLEASE NOTE: The required classes for the OpenCms 'templateone' demo could
not be loaded!
In case you just did a setup, you must now restart your servlet engine.

If you intentionally did not install the 'templateone' demo, please
disregard this message.

Accordind to the message,I restart tomcat but I have the same message.

An idea?



riginal Message-----
From: Alexander Kandzior [mailto:alex at opencms.org] 
Sent: mardi 26 octobre 2004 20:17
To: 'The OpenCms mailing list'
Subject: [SPAM] - [opencms-dev] OpenCms 6.0 alpha 2 released - Bayesian
Filter detected spam

Hi all,

OpenCms 6.0 alpha 2 (aka 5.5.3) has been released and is available for
download from the http://www.opencms.org website. 

This release includes the 'templateone' module, a ready-made and highly
configurable template with countless options. It also includes an extended
demonstration for the XML content feature of OpenCms 6.0.

In case you try out this 6.0 alpha 2 release, please provide feedback
regarding the 'templateone' and the XML content feature. 

For a full list of features and open issue in this release, please check out
the release notes that come with the download, or have a look at the OpenCms
homepage at http://www.opencms.org. 

Any help in developing the OpenCms 6.0 "final" version is greatly
appreciated. The more help we get the sooner we can expect a stable release.
If you want to contribute, please contact me directly, or send a mail to
this mailing list. 

Best Regards,

Alexander Kandzior
Alkacon Software - The OpenCms Experts

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