[opencms-dev] xml document for default_bodies!?

"Stephan Löffler" stephanloeffler at gmx.de
Wed Oct 27 18:09:40 CEST 2004

Hi there,

hope someone can help me. I created a default body, but I get an exception,
telling me, that the XML-document is not wellformed.
I found an older thread about that prob, where there is a statement that one
needs a XML-File like in /system/body/...

However, there is no such folder on my instance of OpenCMS and I didn't find
any other XML-File, whose structure would seem appropriate.
Could please someone tell me the right structure for the document. 

Tanks a lot,


Stephan Loeffler
Heinrich v. Kleist Str. 38
95447 Bayreuth 
Tel.: 0921-5072665

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