[opencms-dev] XML Content Demo

Alexander Kandzior alex at opencms.org
Tue Nov 2 16:20:50 CET 2004

> One thing I'd like to know: is there a way to have the 
> article/myArticle type have an image associated with it? I 
> don't mean to add it via the WYSIWYG editor, but to have an 
> input field in the wizard that appears when you click on the 
> Magic Wand ("new").

The images are based on the resource type. So you need to configure a new
resource type (in "WEB-INF/config/opencms-vfs.xml"). Then there is the "new"
dialog which is part of the workplace. You need to edit
"opencms-workplace.xml" for that. Check out these 2 files and search for
"xmlcontent" and "article". In short, it's really simple to add a new type
based in XML content....

Best Regards,

Alexander Kandzior
Alkacon Software - The OpenCms Experts

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