[opencms-dev] empty workspace

Martin Kuba makub at ics.muni.cz
Fri Nov 5 15:44:28 CET 2004

Alexander Kandzior wrote:
>>1:      OpenCms WEB-INF path: 
>>2:      OpenCms property file: 
>>4:      Job execution threads will use class loader of 
>>thread: OpenCms: Setup 
>>workplace import
>>5:      Workplace init: Unable to read views folder 
>>'/system/workplace/views/', no views available!
>>6:      Workplace init: Unable to read editor folder 
>>'/system/workplace/editors/', editors disabled!
>>7:      Workplace init: Unable to read locales folder 
>>'/system/workplace/locales/', locales disabled!
>>8:      Workplace temporary file project does not yet exist!
> Yes, this is the normal output. The setup wizard starts an empty OpenCms
> instance. This instance then reports that it cant init the workplace, which
> is normal since the DB is still empty. Then the workplace is imported, and
> the instance used for importing is shut down. Then OpenCms should restart
> when the first page is called (however ussually you need to restart Tomcat
> e.g. because of imported "templateone" libs). 
> So your log is fine.

Then I really don't know what may be wrong. I even reinstalled
TomCat 5.0.18, reinstalled OpenCMS, I am using SUN JDK 1.4.2_04
to be on the safe side, and I still have the problem.

The views do exist in the database:
mysql> select * from CMS_OFFLINE_STRUCTURE where RESOURCE_PATH like '%workplace/vi%';
| STRUCTURE_ID                         | RESOURCE_ID                          | RESOURCE_PATH                                          | STRUCTURE_STATE | DATE_RELEASED | DATE_EXPIRED        |
| e9be9181-2f36-11d9-94e4-9374fa681919 | e9bd0adf-2f36-11d9-94e4-9374fa681919 | /system/workplace/views                                |               0 |             0 | 9223372036854775807 |
| e9c4ac03-2f36-11d9-94e4-9374fa681919 | 955f798a-f058-11d8-ba65-db38cc8f19d7 | /system/workplace/views/top_foot.jsp                   |               0 |             0 | 9223372036854775807 |
| e9cb14a9-2f36-11d9-94e4-9374fa681919 | 9c0a79be-f058-11d8-ba65-db38cc8f19d7 | /system/workplace/views/top_fs.jsp                     |               0 |             0 | 9223372036854775807 |
| e9d1081d-2f36-11d9-94e4-9374fa681919 | 9fa61712-f058-11d8-ba65-db38cc8f19d7 | /system/workplace/views/top_head.jsp                   |               0 |             0 | 9223372036854775807 |
| e9d797d4-2f36-11d9-94e4-9374fa681919 | e9d61132-2f36-11d9-94e4-9374fa681919 | /system/workplace/views/administration                 |               0 |             0 | 9223372036854775807 |
| e9de4e9a-2f36-11d9-94e4-9374fa681919 | e9dcef08-2f36-11d9-94e4-9374fa681919 | /system/workplace/views/explorer                       |               0 |             0 | 9223372036854775807 |
| e9e5c8af-2f36-11d9-94e4-9374fa681919 | dd1c57d6-f058-11d8-ba65-db38cc8f19d7 | /system/workplace/views/explorer/explorer_body_fs.jsp  |               0 |             0 | 9223372036854775807 |
| e9ed1bb5-2f36-11d9-94e4-9374fa681919 | e02b93aa-f058-11d8-ba65-db38cc8f19d7 | /system/workplace/views/explorer/explorer_files.jsp    |               0 |             0 | 9223372036854775807 |
| e9f46eba-2f36-11d9-94e4-9374fa681919 | e3bdbb1e-f058-11d8-ba65-db38cc8f19d7 | /system/workplace/views/explorer/explorer_fs.jsp       |               0 |             0 | 9223372036854775807 |
| e9fb9ab0-2f36-11d9-94e4-9374fa681919 | e64c7c52-f058-11d8-ba65-db38cc8f19d7 | /system/workplace/views/explorer/tree_files.jsp        |               0 |             0 | 9223372036854775807 |
| ea025175-2f36-11d9-94e4-9374fa681919 | e91204f6-f058-11d8-ba65-db38cc8f19d7 | /system/workplace/views/explorer/tree_fs.jsp           |               0 |             0 | 9223372036854775807 |
| ea089309-2f36-11d9-94e4-9374fa681919 | ed14053a-f058-11d8-ba65-db38cc8f19d7 | /system/workplace/views/explorer/tree_siteselector.jsp |               0 |             0 | 9223372036854775807 |
| ea103430-2f36-11d9-94e4-9374fa681919 | ea0ead8e-2f36-11d9-94e4-9374fa681919 | /system/workplace/views/workflow                       |               0 |             0 | 9223372036854775807 |
13 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Any other idea why the workspace view selection may be empty ?

Supercomputing Center Brno             Martin Kuba
Institute of Computer Science    email: makub at ics.muni.cz
Masaryk University             http://www.ics.muni.cz/~makub/
Botanicka 68a, 60200 Brno, CZ     mobil: +420-603-533775
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