[opencms-dev] empty workspace

Alexander Kandzior alex at opencms.org
Sat Nov 6 11:55:28 CET 2004

> Hi
> sounds exactly like my problem (search for postings with 
> subject "Problem Installing 6.0 alpha 1&2 on WinXP")
> Still haven't found a solution.
> To Alkacon: Any more ideas where I can debug to find a hint?

Apparently there's a strange and uncommon problem with the workplace view
generation. I say strange and uncommon since this apparently works for 98.5%
of all people, it just dosen't work in some environments. Unfortunatly we
have se far never actually encountered the issue on any of our
installations, so we do not have any means of reproducing it. 

Here's how the view generation is supposed to work: The workplace reads a
special folder /system/workplace/views. It iterates all resource in the
folder, each is used to create a view. The possible views are read only once
during system startup, and then stored in the Workplace manager class. For
each user, all views are checked and the user is allowed to see only the
views he has permissions for. 

So there are 2 potential causes of the issue:
1) The views are not correctly initialized during system startup
2) The user selection for the views does not work as expected

The Workplace views are initialized in the class:


in the methods:

public void initialize(CmsObject cms)
private List initWorkplaceViews(CmsObject cms)

This is called only once during system startup.

When a user log in, the view select in the top bar is build in class


Using method:

public String getViewSelect(String htmlAttributes)

If you can debug this and post your findings here, I will try my best to
help locate the cause of the issue.

Best Regards,

Alexander Kandzior
Alkacon Software - The OpenCms Experts

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