[opencms-dev] Documentation

Joachim Arrasz info at arrasz.de
Wed Nov 24 17:36:23 CET 2004


>i think we agree, that there should be some place where the community
>efforts come together. I would be willing to provide some help and I think
>others will too. But at the moment I'm a little bit confused how to get on.
ok, we will provide an OpenCms-Community Domain ...


There we will provide an Opencms6 Installation, with the MVN Integration 
and will we try to migrate out content from opencms-forum.de
Then we should create a community effort where people can commit 
things... but this would be, in current status, too detailed to discuss 
i think.

What does the other means about this?

Best Regards

Joachim Arrasz

* @author Joachim Arrasz 
* --> head of technology research <--
* @phone +49/(0)721/66487932
* @mobile 0160/8021351
* @mail arrasz at synyx.de
* @url http://www.synyx.de

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