[opencms-dev] the way to get answers/help

Paul D. Bain paulbain at pobox.com
Mon Dec 13 19:01:02 CET 2004

At 04:26 AM 12/13/2004, Andras Balogh wrote:

>    As I see [it, o]n this list[,] an effective way to get answers is [t]o 
> make the same (re)post many times
>without searching the mail archive[, even if]  .  .  .  the answer exists 

>    I wonder if I should do the same?

         If this practice becomes the norm, rather than the exception, then 
the "list moms" (those who control the mailing list server) may have to ban 
certain users. They may have to forbid certain users from posting to this list.

         Please read my 13 Oct. 2004 email on this subject, too: "Open 
letter -- how to learn OpenCMS."

Paul Bain

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