[opencms-dev] problems with Drag'n Drop in 5.01

Marwedel Frank Frank.Marwedel at sycor.de
Mon Dec 20 11:51:31 CET 2004

last week we encountered a problem with a 5.01 system.
Using the WYSIWYG-Editor in IE6 we always could use Drag 'n Drop to include an image from a gallery.
But suddenly this doesn't work anymore. That's pretty weird. 
This happens using W2K and WinXP SP2 Systems with the newest patches installed.
So my conclusion is, that it might be some new security setting in IE6. 
Does anyone has the same problem?
Does anyone has a solution?
----> and NO! Changing to OpenCms 6 is not an option! ;-)
Thanks in advance,


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