[opencms-dev] A lot of threads

Andy Holvoet andy.holvoet at capgemini.com
Mon Dec 27 17:44:51 CET 2004


we have a webapplication running on weblogic8.1-oracle8 system. The
application is multi-threaded, multiple users can add documents to the
opencms system at the same time. Therefore, we have multiple cmsObjects
who perform the user-tasks. Each time a task is performed, and the
cmsObject is no longer needed, the destroy() method is called.
Each time an openCms method performs the getConnection() method, a new
thread (OracleOci, OracleOciBackup or OracleOciOnline) is started on the
server. But if a conn.close() or a cmsObject.destroy() is called, the
number of threads doesn't decrease. Why is this ? Is there a way to kill
the threads ? (Because after a while we receive a "too many sessions per
user" exception")

Thanks in advance,

ps. Is openCMS thread-safe ?  (for example: between different threads on
the same CmsObject or between different CmsObjects) Because sometimes we
get a uniquenessConstraintViolation when multiple documents are added at
the same time (table: cms_projects)

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