[opencms-dev] Summary HowTo on nested XML content schemas

Ulrich Rueth lists at rueth.info
Wed Dec 29 18:46:58 CET 2004

Dear list,

I fought quite a bit until I got my nested XML content schemas running.
Therefore I will share the summary of my experiences with all of you. Please
read Alexander's HowTo first
(http://mail.opencms.org/pipermail/opencms-dev/2004q4/013609.html), the
following is only additional. In addition, have a close look at the nested
xml content demo delivered with OpenCms 6.

- The element type names must start with "OpenCms...", the names of the
elements must be the same string as the type name, but without the
"OpenCms". Example:

	<xsd:element name="MyArticles" type="OpenCmsMyArticles"/>
	<xsd:complexType name="OpenCmsMyArticles">

- If nesting elements, the nested schema definition must be in a separate
file with the identical structure and imported _after_ the global opencms
import statement:

	<xsd:include schemaLocation="opencms://opencms-xmlcontent.xsd"/>

- The "singular" (second) type definition _must_ define the attribute
<xsd:attribute name="language" type="OpenCmsLocale" use="required"/>. But it
may be optional. Other attribute definitions seem not be allowed, they
should rather be used as normal elements in the sequence element.


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