[opencms] [opencms-dev] OpenCMS 6 alpha 3 and JBoss 4.0

Jorge Gonzalez informatico at hotelparadisepark.com
Mon Jan 24 17:46:18 CET 2005

Hi pal:

I've just installed (see forum) opencms 6a3 on Jboss 3.2.6 and it works fine
if you:

- make a folder opencms.war under <server>/deploy
- put the content of opencms.war there, so JBOSS will see a deflated web
folder under deploy/opencms.war
- run the wizard to install opencms

I think you have the same problem i had, after the wizard install, opencms
build the root path using the hard deploy folder. If you deploy opencms.war
copying it under <server>/deploy, jboss will create a tmp directory
(something like tmp54543opencms.war and deploy the app there) so all the
links are "corrupted".

This could be a bug, is there any other way to build the context root path ?

Good luck.

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