[opencms-dev] ver6 a3 PLEASE HELP Locking/unlocking resources through database. URGENT!!!!

Jesus Rodriguez rodpemail-opencms at yahoo.es
Thu Feb 10 13:26:53 CET 2005

I need help, please, it is urgent

I am programming a program that retrieves content from OpenCms database, 
modifies this content and, once it is modified, the content it is 
inserted again in the database. I retrieve the content and update the DB 
ok but I have a problem. I need to LOCK the content while it has been 
extrated from DB and being modified and, once the DB has been updated 
with the new content, release the LOCK.

I suppose information concerning resource locks is stored in DB. How 
does OpenCms manage this? What DB tables and field are modified when a 
resource is locked/unlocked? I have dived deep in the DB tables but I 
have not found any sensible fields concerning LOCKS.

I have found several classes in the OpenCms source code that seems to 
perform the lock/unlock operation, but I can't find which DB fields are 
modified. And I can't use the source Code classes of OpenCms because the 
program that I am programming it is outside OpenCms, I have access only 
to the database.

The database I am using is MySql.

Please, I need this info, it is very important for the success of my 
current project.

¿Could anybody help me?

Thanks in advance.

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