[opencms-dev] Positioning/allocating content in CSS box model

visser arthur (02VOEMDIAHTKAND) arthur.visser at student.groept.be
Sat Feb 12 16:58:14 CET 2005

Thanks to some of you for the help I got so far! It works!

If got one (?) more problem which is rather difficult to work out.
My template includes a CSS stylesheet using the boxmodel. I have defined a box for content called 'main' and another one for news items called 'news'.
This box model is inherited from an existing site and the code looks something like this:

<div id="main"> 
  <div id="inhoud" > <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="Inhoud" --> Main content of page <!-- TemplateEndEditable --></div>

<div id="news"> 
    <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="News" -->Todays' News items<!-- TemplateEndEditable --></div>

I want to re-create this model in OPenCMS 5.0.1. The template and CSS are in place and functioning. However, how can I allocate text to the 'main' box and to the 'news' box? All text put into a page is allocated to the "body" element in OpenCMS and thus I get it twice (in 'main' and in 'news').
I have tried to edit the ControlCode to add an elementdef ="news" and a couple of other things but can't get it to work.
Perhaps I need to make two pages in OpenCMS? One for 'main' and one for 'news'? If so, how to define these pages (Contol code)?

Thanks for your help (again!)


OpenCMS 5.0.1 - Tomcat 5.0.18 - Java 1.4.2 - XP Home SP2 - MySQL 4.0.22

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