[opencms-dev] OpenCMS setup wizard: Module selection continue fails with 404

Graham Leggett minfrin at sharp.fm
Sun Feb 13 13:51:33 CET 2005

Hi all,

Using opencms v6 alpha 3, and attempting to set up opencms for the first 
time, if you press "continue" on the above screen, the setup fails with 
error 404 object not found.

The URL that continue links to is 

Some digging reveals that the object not found is resulting from the 
above URL being an insecure URL - the setup process is being carried out 
on a secure server, and the "continue" button is jumping across to the 
insecure server, where opencms is not available.

I cannot find anything in the source for step_6_module_selection.jsp 
that shows the problem up - is this a known problem?

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